Thursday, July 8, 2010

Something Old (well,only 5 yrs old) Something New...

I have 2 sons. My oldest, Josh, got married 5 yrs ago on June 18. The video you see here is a tribute to their marriage. Tim, "Pappa J," put it together for them. It is especially meaningful because Josh just left on his 3rd deployment with the Army. They have stayed committed and in love despite unique struggles (Army life). We're so proud of them! You'll see quite a few pictures of his first 2 homecomings. Not sure why the video is black; just click on the black part and it'll start playing :)

My youngest son, Jon, just got married to Mollie June 19 (it'll be easy to remember their anniversaries :) Isn't she beautiful and he handsome? The wedding was gorgeous! We are so happy for them!


  1. hey! so If jon and Mollie are the new.............Does that make me the old?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. oops accidently deleted my comment to your comment Erica.
    Erica - LOL yeah, was going to add something to the title, then forgot. It's in their now :) ha ha ha
