Monday, July 19, 2010

Hey all! We are doing great here. It is blazin' hot and humid and we sit in front of fans most of the time as we are acclimating to the heat and humidity. We only use the A/C for sleeping at night because it is pretty expensive. Everything is 240 volts so we need to find a voltage regulator at one of the markets as my electric toothbrush charger is innoperative, so is our alarm clock, electric shaver, etc.... anything that is 120volt current is toast. We don't know Jack about the language yet and almost nobody speaks any English at all. THose who do, get things really confused. We have found a Tuk Tuk Driver who can take us about anywhere for about $2-3. He is great and speaks some English so we are very grateful.... Thanks to Dan who has been fantastic getting us acclimated. He got us a cell phone in case we get completely lost in the City. It is 2.2 million people and it is crammed into not much space for that many people. If I were to try to navigate traffic I would kill myself and Cynthia. There are really no laws, at least not many that anyone follows. Just whatever and wherever you can fit your vhicle/bike/Motto etc... I have seen so many near misses and brodsides that it has sobered me on trying to drive here any time soon. Trying to work a deal with our Tuk Tuk driver to pick up and drop off for School. We are hagling over the price...trying to get him to do it for $80 for the month. Just about everything is as expensive, or more expensive to buy here because they see you coming and jack up the price. very frustrating. Well it is about 7 pm here so I will have to try to get back to my apartment from this internet cafe without getting mugged in the dark. Everyone looks at you like you are a potential windfall of cash and money. If they Only Knew!! LOL! Hey, good thing is we are losing weight quickly. All for now as I only have one hour of internet at the T&C Cafe until I get shut down or buy another iced coffee. Love you guys....Pray for us. Physical safety and health... one of he ladies/teachers here for the summer is at her home right now severely dehydrated and very sick. Maybe something she ate or drank. Anyways, It is a big revelation to see how wealthy Americans are and how poor the rest of the world is.. really an eye opener. The church here is really struggling and the corruption with officials is rampant. Cynthia had her first run in with a family we were driving with...not wearing seatbelt. Cost us 75 cents as a bribe to the police officer. He was trying to extort more but our driver knew enough to get is stopped! Thank God for little miracles. Also a bit different seeing military and police with fully automatic AK 47's on the street corners and hanging out at roadside businesses. We.. all for now.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Will be praying!! Have you been able to talk w/ Michelle?
    She said she lives down the street from the school. :) And I know she speaks English. :) Love and prayers,
