Sunday, July 11, 2010

3 Days 'til D Day (Departure Day)

So, I'm sitting here on the air bed we've borrowed from friends. It's all that's left to sit on in the apt. Tim is out in the living room sitting on the floor :)
The apt is empty except for the 5 suitcases (we just couldn't fit it all in 4) and the printer that we're keeping until the last minute so we can scan documents.

Here's the schedule for the last few days:
Mon, 12th - call electric company to turn off electricity on Thurs.
- call the apartment office to schedule the final walkthrough
- buy some more styrofoam peanuts to pack empty spaces in one of the suitcases so equipment doesn't move around.
- lunch with Jon & Mollie (our son and his wife) and say goodbye
- finish cleaning apt.
- dinner with friends and say goodbye

Tues, 13th - call Legal to have them e-m our legal documents, then take them down to the bank to notarize.
- deflate and take air bed back to our friends
- do Laundry
- finish packing last minute clothes and toiletries
- take printer and anything else left to Tim's brother's house

Final walkthrough either Tue or Wed and turn in keys.
Spending Tue and Wed nights at our pastor's home.

Wed, 14th - REST!! hopefully!

Thurs, 15th - be at the airport by 7 a.m., leave from Wichita, KS at 9 a.m.
- fly to Denver, on to LA, then to Seoul, Korea and lastly to Phnom Penh
Fri, 16th - arrive in Phnom Penh, Cambodia around 10 p.m.!!! And...we'll finally be there! Can't wait, soooo excited!


  1. Will you have a long layover in LA? Last time I was in the LA airport I loved it, lots of stuff to check out, stores to look in. If I remember correctly I think theres a big book store too you can sit and read in. Of course, I love airports anyways lol

  2. We only have about 1 1/2 hrs layover between each flight! Yikes, that's not long considering possible delays! We are praying for NO delays!!
