Monday, July 26, 2010


Things I (Cynthia) am thankful for here in Cambodia:

~ For nice cool showers - we don't have a water heater and don't need one! :)
~ For water coolers and bottled water - everyone has a water cooler in their homes, you don't drink from the tap water, although we are brushing our teeth in it and have been ok so far.
They will deliver 3 or 5 gal water bottles to your door and the water cooler is electric so it's nice cold water! And only about .80 cents per bottle, less than refilling at WalMart :)
~ For refridgerators. We have a small fridge, but it's perfect for us and we have ice in the freezer.
~ For a friendly and kind landlady and her family and that 2 of her children speak English! :)
~ For such wonderful staff and teachers at Logos who have so helpful in making us feel welcome and helping us find places around the city.
~ For new friends
~ For Webol, our Tuk Tuk driver, who comes at our becon call and who is on time! And if he can't come he gets someone else to come pick us up. :)
~ For aircondition in our bedroom and aircon in the classrooms - yea!
~ For great power here in our area - no major black outs or brown outs
~ For the blessing of getting anything you pretty much need or want here - we even found Pepperidge Farm Choc Chunk cookies (of course you pay out of your nose for these) so they are only for special occasions! And they have sodas too.
~ For airconditioned restaurants
~ That you can get a lunch special from $1.oo - $3.00. Yesterday we found a little cafe that sold a club sandwich, with fries!! WoW the fries were even good. The sandwich included cucumbers and a fried egg, but it was great. Not much more different than the Souper Salad where they have crumbled egg you can put on your salad (which I like).
~ For airconditioned malls and grocery stores, although they are more expensive than the market.
~ We are blessed to live in the Toul Kork area where the market is right beside us, there are little cheap restaurants everywhere within walking distance and the bank we will use is right down the street. That will save us lots of money for transportation.
~ For cheap internet in our home. And the internet office where we pay our bill is right down the street too; we can walk there.
~ That so far we have seen no spiders or have much problem with ants (which I have heard can be a problem). We are very careful about not leaving crumbs - hey, it's good cuz it helps us improve our eating habits! :) And it helps that we have an ant cabinet - aluminum cabinet with glass doors that ants can't get into.

We are so blessed here. They were saying this morning at in-service that things are improving more and more here in Phnom Penh. Even 2 yrs ago they had far less paved roads and had very few stoplights. But now you have paved roads everywhere and more stoplights. It is becoming quite modern! Of course the traffic is crazy, but you get used to it and for now we're not driving in it anyways! We leave that up to our tuk tuk driver who is quite an expert at dodging cars, bicylces, vendors, cows, motos, etc, etc.! LOL


  1. That is so awesome! Blessing are always good. :) The Lord is good to those who stay faithful. Very proud of both of you!
    Thanks for your updates...awesome!
    Glad you are able to see the bright side of life, especially in hard times or challenging times.
    Prayers and Hugs,
