Monday, January 10, 2011

Papua, West Irian, Indonesia

Here's some pics of items from Papua. We went to a kind of park/museum land that had houses, and things from the cultures of provinces/islands of Indonesia.
Below are carvings of Papua
Stone axes made in Papua. I have one that looks just like the third one down.

This kind of looks like our village chief when I was young!

More carvings - I have one kind of like the one on the far right

Spears and shields, etc

Thatched huts from Papua. The homes in our village were up on stilts; these may be from the mountainous area.

I thought this was realistic, except for the aircons in the background - he he he :)

Carvings made by a man from my village, Agats. But he wasn't there the day we were visiting this park - of course! I would have taken a photo of him too - although he charges to have pics taken of him - LOL :)

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