Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Weekend Trip to Siem Reap!

Our bus for the 5 1/2 drive to Siem Reap - it's airconditioned and has a bthrm
Our hotel - yea! Hot water and a bathtub - luxury!! :)

On the ride out to Ankor Wat temples

Comfy seating huh?

"Foot massage" - fish nibbling dead skin off your feet. Didn't hurt, but didn't feel good either; these were bigger fish. Next time, I'll only do it if the fish are very small. I've heard they even remove corns on your feet! Our feet felt smooth after this - only 10 minutes.

Worshipping Buddha - Music and food being offered. The following pics are at one of the famous Ankor Wat Buddhist temples - mainly tourist attractions now.

Ankor Wat - temple ruins

Huge area in the temple ruins - this was most likely a pool

Tim and Gideon, 5th grade teache
Sun setting, heading back to the hotel

Really neat shot I got of the setting sun through the doorway in the temple ruins.

Nice shot of temple with puddle in front and temple reflection in the puddle

Neat restaurant we ate at before coming home on Sunday. Sculptures everywhere.

Same restaurant - cool tables and couches
Another part of the same restaurant - notice the geometrical decor

This shot and the following few are photos we took around the restaurant in the previous pics. Really neat, relaxing, snazzy place. :) NOt what we were used to!!

Some cool swinging couches :)

The sinks were amazing!!

1 comment:

  1. I would love a swinging couch!!! and those sinks -are- really awesome!!
