Saturday, September 18, 2010


Blessings to Innovo Home Church! Your support went towards helping to purchase Bibles for my third grade students. They will use these Bibles at school all year and then get to take them home at the end of the year. Thank you very much! :) What a blessing. The picture below is of Tim and I on our moto bringing the Bibles home. :) :) We bought 23 Bibles at $6.00 each. The bag Tim is carrying is holding about 8 and the rest are in the box I'm carrying. You can't really see here, but the box is on it's side so it can fit. And it was sticking out on either side. LOL
Hey this is nothing. The Cambodians can fit a whole family of 5, or more, on a moto. I've seen pigs, chickens, a t.v., etc all carried on the moto. Very versatile and handy vehicle for carrying items around. ha ha ha
Above is my "moto man". Well, I can't very well say motorcycle dude, because it's not a motorcycle. Still... can't resist a man on a moto - he he he. This is our 2010 Yamaha Jupiter. Cool huh? Don't you just love Tim's darth vader-looking helmet? We found this moto in the local paper for a steal of a deal. The guy just bought it in June 2010, so it's ver low mileage and you know for sure that the mileage is correct, cuz it's so new. Yes, they do turn back the odometers when selling the used motos. :) You gotta love Cambodia. Corruption at every turn. We haven't been stopped yet by the police, but we have our Cambodian money ready just in case. You always keep small change in one pocket away from the other area where you keep your dollars, so when you take your money out to bribe them, they don't see your dollars.

Well I thought I'd share pics of our moto and Bible self-delivery!! :)

Cynthia, over and out, here in sticky, wet Phnom Penh. It's raining right now, has been for about hours.

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