Monday, September 6, 2010


Cynthia here...
I am soooo excited!! I'm going to buy Bibles for my class this week! Yea! I have a couple students who bring their own from home, but I want every student to have one and it's easier if we just all have the same translation :) So... I have a little extra money from what my kids turned in for supplies and I'm going to add some of my own money. I know God will provide what I need; I'm not worried :) He knows it's important for all of them to have Bibles. I want to also start having sword drills so my kids know where the books of the Bibles are so they can look up verses. And I want to start teaching them specific themes for their memory verses, like for instance a verse about being kind, or resisting temptation, etc. Not just random verses they can't relate to. I'm so excited!! Can you tell? LOL

This weekend was a very relaxing and awesome weekend. Saturday night we met with our elementary principal and his family, our high school principal and his family and some another couple teachers at an Indian restaurant. Oh so yummy! I loved it; don't remember ever having Indian food. We had so much fun getting to know them. I LOVE our principals; they are real people and not uppity or "above" the rest of us teachers. :) And they really listen to us and value our opinions. So cool. I also love how all the teachers are so unified in our mission to teach and love the kids that God has put before us.

After the restaurant, Dan Hein, high school principal, took Tim and me to a used book store. It was great! They have the mysteries I like, i.e. John Grisham, Mary Higgins Clark, etc. How awesome is that? I read Sat night until 2 a.m. Ok that was kind of crazy, but it's been about two months since I've been able to read for fun; I didn't know if I'd be able to find good books here. So I feel "normal" again, to have books to read. You know me, I love reading!!

Tim and I want to start a small group/home church in our home/restaurant or where ever. :) This Sunday we fellowshipped with another couple at a restaurant. We had a nice late breakfast, then we discussed/challenged each other on many different Biblical topics and even shared some marriage tips. :) It was very nice to get to know them and to come together to talk about our God.

Well, that's all for now. Going to read for a bit then hit the hay early. :)
Love to all of you. Please know that we miss everyone and when God puts you across our minds, we say a prayer for you. :)

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