Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Grand Birthday...but the best is yet to come...

We found this little hole in the wall Indonesian restaurant here in Phnom Penh - Warung Bali, which means Bali Restaurant. I wanted Sate Chicken (chicken shiskebobs with peanut sauce). It tasted just like they do in Jakarta, yum yum! The owners are Indonesian and have lived here for 16 yrs. I spoke Bahasa (Indonesian)with them - that was fun! :)

Here I am at Warung (Restaurant) Bali. Notice the Indonesia Islands in the picture?
Tim with the picture of traditional Indonesian puppets in the background.

And to top it off Tim took me to Boston Bookstore! This is the 2nd floor - lots of used books. And the best part is they had a sale going on, all the books I bought were $1.50 each - wahoo!! What a grand birthday!!
The downside of the day was we got pulled over by police twice on the way home - our first time. But we knew we had done nothing wrong. We stayed on the moto and Tim handled it very well. We smiled and showed him what he wanted and were ready to NOT pay and ask for a ticket if he tried to tell us we had done something wrong. They'll try to take advantage of foreigners just to get a bribe. Each time they only asked us for the moto card (kind of like registration) and Tim's license. Thank God we were legal and had just purchased our car licences - more expensive, but a car license is good for a moto and a car and we figured we may end buying a car better to buy one now then pay for 2 later.
To top off a good birthday, I get to Skype with my youngest son, Jonathan, and his sweet wife tonight!! Yea!! That's going to be the best part!

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