Monday, February 14, 2011

Logos Annual Carnival - Feb. 5, 2011

After all that planning, I had to miss it because I was sick! So I used pics from others for this blog. :)
The infamous carnival committee! We had a blast planning it. Boy do I look tall here; now keep in mind I'm only 5'2 1/2" :)

Here's my TA - 3rd grade's Clown Toss
3rd grade Clown Toss

Tim with his 10th graders doing the Jail Face Painting
Here's some of the sheriffs that "arrested" people and brought them into a room for face painting

A teacher showing the kids how it's done!
Indian Cuisine at the carnival
World renown Mango Smoothies made by the 6th grade class! well...mostly by Mrs. Bridell, the teacher's wife :)
Below are pics of the some of the sponsors. Legos
Sarpino's Pizza (a Canadian chain with excellent pizza)!!
World City - new subdivision

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