Saturday, October 30, 2010

Cambodia Traffic.

Tim Here! This is a video of an intersection, not a big one, just a small one. Most of the bigger ones finally have lights....although, how that whole system works is another story, all by itself; and yes, they have had almost 5,000 deaths over the last several years. Life is cheap...but in a way that makes it infinitely more precious! Like I said before, there is really no safety net over here like in developed countries. I am realizing just how important God is for a society. Withou God, Everything....and I do mean Everything, breaks down into its depraved and selfish little parts.

Here is a typical traffic stop. Usually you never get off your bike, and usually they don't even fake writing a ticket, they just wait for you to pay....but on $30 US a month, a guys got to feed his family. Meanwhile, the rich get richer. http:

For those who are FB friends, I posted a video that my good friend Bob found. It is like the freakin' wild west out here! grab some popcorn, sit back and enjoy the FB post: It has it all, good guy, bad guy, corrupt cop, insane homicidal driver, off the chain military guy trying to kill an SUV with his semi-automatic handgun...SUV vs Motto (Motto loses miserably) SUV steals motto and drag sit to death. Man chasing SUV down the middle of the street, police officer watching it all and doing nothing. I'm telling you, somedays it is just borderline chaos. And yet, watch the people who live here....Everything is normal...Jeeepers! This is social conditioning in action. I looked at this for the first time and thought, "Yep, this is something that would happen on a morning comute to work." If it weren't for the social custom of not showing anger visibly, and making sure not to embarass anyone, this place would fall apart. THere is rage, it is just kept plitely beneath the surface. Kind of simmering until something sets it off. This place needs God Really, REALLY Bad! Here is the link.

Keep praying, as the adveture continues...

PS. I also loaded a video on FB of some flooding that we have been talking about. Our Yamaha has continued to perform like a champ...above, in, or partially underwater. Thank You God! Here is a short clip that is so typical of life during the rainy season. Really, you just get used to it.

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