Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Grandkids!! ;)

Hi everyone! We arrived in the States June 6 and have been to Arizona and NC. Currently we are in TX with our son, his wife and their 2 girls!! We are so excited to be able to play with them and hold them! This is one happy Gigi! Lovin' the time with the grandkids! Allana, 2 1/2 and Lillia almost 4.

Below is Allana wearing Daddy's hat :)

Josh, Erica, Tim and the girls

At Wal-Mart

Tim holding Lillia and Josh holding Allana

Daddy & daughter (Allana)

Pics below are of Pappa (Tim ) playing with Lana

She's got her Mamma's beautiful, blond, wavy hair! :)

Pappa with a pink blankie! :)

Pappa & the girls :)

Ballerina Lillia

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