Saturday, December 31, 2011

Endings...and Beginnings

As I go through the last day of 2011, I think about the past 12 months. Things I've enjoyed and are thankful for in 2011:
~ a great job with wonderful coworkers who are also friends
~ a talkative and sweet class of 3rd grades to teach
~ adventure in a fascinating land
~ tropical fruits and beautiful beaches
~ a husband who loves me and puts up with me
~ struggles and trials that help make me strong

As I head into 2012 here are some things I'm looking forward to:
~ finishing up the school year with my third graders
~ more struggles and trials that God will use to continue to mold me
~ strengthening and revitalizing a marriage with a husband who is willing to stick it out and work on our marriage
~ holding and playing with my granddaughters and grandson
~ spending face to face time with my sons and their wives
~ a climate with seasons
~ a cool/cold Christmas 
~ people that stay in their lanes during traffic, don't drive into oncoming traffic, and for the most part stop when the light is red

Goodbye to 2011 and Hello to 2012!

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