Saturday, February 4, 2012

10th Annual Logos Carnival

This year was the 10th annual Logos Carnival! It was bunches of fun!

                                                         Third Grade's Clown Throw
                                                                                My TA

Famous Korean Food

                                                                      Sarpino's Pizza

6th Grade - Bingo Game

PreK3 game's the toilet (looks real huh?) they have to throw the balls into!

6th Grade Beetle Bet - they raise meal worms in class and decided to use them in a booth at Carnival this year! 

these were delicious brownies!

                                      our famous hot dogs cooked by Principal Dan and his helpers!

our awesome new playground bought by the funds raised from our Jog-a-thon this year!

face painting

cool maze

gotta have ping pong


                                                                      Sony booth

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