Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 3 - Rabbit Island

Day 3 - Rabbit Island, about 30 min boat ride from Kep.
Here we are at the boat dock
Our boat

Our trustworthy captain! Notice the Cambodian flag
Our first close up view of Rabbit Island
Tim took this cool shot - hung ove the boat to get it.

We took off for a quick trek across the island for a good snorkeling spot
There's Gideon, another Logos teacher - he and his wife, Kristy, came with us

Tim, Gideon and Kristy walking along the beach
The following pics are sights on the island

People's homes

Nets drying
Soda bottles inthe ocean - we were told they were for growing seaweed, I guess to sell
Seaweed drying an old man & his fishing nets

someones' garden

Guesthouse - bungalows on the beach, where you can stay the night. About $6.oo, no electricity and no a.c., but definitely going native.
Here's the sign for those bungalows - Guesthouse Inn

and here's their restaurant - we ate here

here's Tim, Kristy and Gideon.

Here's the crab I ordered - straight from the ocean. We watched the guy catch them for our dinner, I couldn't find my camera in time to take the picture. But I got one of the crab later. :) We waited about an hour for our dinner.

Day 2 Kep/Kampot, Cambodia

Day Two of our vacation. We drove by moto about 30 minutes from where we're staying in Kep, a small coastal town in Cambodia, to Kampot. We had heard from another teacher friend that we had to try this rib place in Kampot. It supposedly has the best ribs around. So we did and yes, we have never tasted any ribs better than these - even in the States! Awesome. The photos below are of the restaurant out in the middle of a rice field. It was hard to find, but well worth it.

Here's the road to it.

and here it is, yup, out in the middle of a rice field!
Here's the sign

We sat out in this gazebo. The things hanging up are our panchos/rain gear. It started pouring rain on our moto ride, so we had to pull over and put them on.

Our view from the gazebo
The owner's (foreigner) wife below cooking the ribs. She's Cambodian.
We ordered a full rack! Amazing!
To give you the correct size perspective, we placed our coke can near it. Look how big the ribs were!

The following photos are of The Sailing Club, a cute little restaurant we had drinks and snacks at later in the afternoon/evening after getting back to Kep. The restaurant was right on the ocean, with a neat pier.
Our view from the deck
Here's the restaurant - photo taken from the pier, looking at the restaurant
Cool shot of the pier shot by Tim

The love birds

Look at the back drop to this place - beautiful!

Exotic chips; however we sure do miss our Mexican chips and salsa back home!
We watched the sunset

A storm started moving in fast, so got to our motos and got back to the hotel just in time!

Monday, November 22, 2010

First day in Kep, Cambodia - our vacation

So here we are in Kep (pronounced Kype), Cambodia, about 3 hrs 45 min bus drive from Phnom Penh. We have a week off from school and we are on vacation. Here's our first day in Kep. We arrived at 11:30, had a light lunch in the lounge while we waited for a bit for our room to be ready. Then Tim and I walked around the coast of Kep, then joined the other couple that came with us for dinner. We had a great first day. It is so nice and quiet here. Woke up this morning with no market noise from the street below, no music pounding through the walls, ahhh....peaceful and calm. I've peeked my head out of the room and it is cloudy, warm and muggy out there. But it is nice and cool here in our room (have air con) and we have hot water!! Took a hot shower this a.m. - wonderful!!! Below are some pics or our first day here.

Here we are at the bus station in Phnom Penh. That's Gideon and Krisit sitting with me. They are teachers at Logos too.
The following pictures are of the view from the top balcony of The Beachhouse Guesthouse. We have an ocean view from our room! :) Oh yes, notice the hills too! :)

Here's our pool. No, that's not a jacuzzi...just a little pool. It looks bigger here in the picture. It's not that big. I'll take more pics later. The foliage here is beautiful...we don't get that in Phnom Penh.

Below is the small restaurant/lounge of our hotel.
Isn't this orchid beautiful? They grow so easily here. You just stick them in a pot and the rain and humidity is just right here for them. They have these all over and also in the city. They also grow wild here. :)
Here's some pics from our walk around the coastline yesterday.

Below is a pic of our hotel at a distance from around the coastal bend. We were walking this in our flip flops!
Below is the Crab Market. Restaurants along the coast where you can fresh seafood and crab. Haven't eaten there yet. :)
Kep is a former French resort town for the French elite. During the Khmer Rouge, Kep was abandoned and many buildings destroyed. You can still see the ruins of French houses from the Pre-Khmer Rouge period and the area is rich in history.

Below is a Hindu statue in a round-a-bout here in Kep. Cambodia's main religion is Buddhism, however it is not true Buddhism, mixed in is some Hinduism and Animism.